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The Complete Guide to Cash Flow Management for Your Business

Cash flow, inflow and outflow of cash, cash flow statements, cash flow analysis, cash management... if you manage your company’s finances, you need..

The Complete Guide to Improving Your Business with Accounts Payable

Accounts payable for small businesses is essential for instilling and retaining trust with vendors and creditors. A stellar accounts payable process..

Is Accounts Payable an Asset or a Liability?

While it may be a little clear whether accounts payable is a liability or an asset, it may not be as clear whether accounts payable is a debit or..

Accounts Receivable Revenue and Assets Explained

Accounts receivable revenue can be confusing for small businesses because it’s money that’s owed but hasn’t yet been paid.

How Can Accounts Payable Automation Help Your Small Business?

If you’re a small business owner, chances are you are busy – sometimes really busy – and haven’t given much thought into automated accounts payable...

12 accounting innovations CFOs cannot afford to live without

Being a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in today's world is quite different from what it was, even 10 years back. The demands of a fast-paced,..

The Complete Guide to Improving Your Business with Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable for small businesses may be a basic process of accrual accounting, but that doesn’t mean you’re using it to its full..

Building an All-Star Finance Team at Plooto

The young Finance team at Plooto often hears me say: we have to practice what we preach. After all, Finance teams are Plooto’s customers, and if we..

Get paid faster by accepting credit cards

Many people starting new businesses today don't understand how to accept credit cards. They're simply unaware of the many options available. This..

Why It's Important to Separate Personal and Business Finances

Anyone who has ever started a business understands how important it is to mingle with other business owners. Creating a strong business network is..