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How to Increase Communication in the Age of Social Distancing

We’re a few months into our new world of social distancing and increased health consciousness. But just because customers are being more cautious..

A Very Merry Business Birthday: Tools All Growing Businesses Wish For

Remember back in January (you know, those pre-COVID days?) when Elon Musk brought up the idea of business showers? His thought was simple, and..

Top 4 Cash Flow Problems That Construction Companies Face

Cash flow management is crucial in the construction industry. Often, it is what determines if a company will stay in business or not. A construction..

Everything You Need to Know About Online Payments

Remember the days when paper mail was the norm? Neither do we. It’s hard to believe that only a couple of decades ago sending mail through the..

International Payments, Is Your Bank Charging Too Much?

The evolution of international money transfers has a rich and varied past that has transformed with the advancement of technology and the progression..

How to Set Up an Accounts Receivable Process

Establishing an effective accounts receivable strategy is a crucial part of day-to-day business operations. Without a viable Accounts Receivable..

Stop Being a Bottleneck, It's Time to Scale your Business

Running a business is a complicated matter, and the key to be successful is efficiency. Time is the most limited resource in the world, and by..

The 3 Key Elements of Effective Accounts Payable Automation Tools

While the finance department is fundamental to a business’s operational efficiency and financial success, accounts payable processes are manual and..

The 5 Best Appointment Scheduling Apps to Save Time on Bookkeeping

We know how your life as an accountant or bookkeeper can get pretty crazy. Dealing with a high number of customers, managing last-minute requests and..

Why SMB's Need B2B Payment Solutions that Move Their Company Forward

Recent reports from Bottomline and 11:FS are shedding light on the latest tech trends in B2B payments. The short of it? B2B payments have not kept up..