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How automation is changing the game for today’s accountants

In 2024, accountants will no longer be deemed company number crunchers as they gain access to technology that allows them to play an increasingly..

2024 Planning Tips for Finance Teams: How to Unlock Growth in an Uncertain Economy

From accountants to CFOs, small business finance teams are the unsung heroes of the global economy.

What is AP automation? How to implement AP automation in your business

The accounts payable (AP) process can give even the most experienced AP departments a headache. With overflows of paper invoices, likelihood of human..

How risk management can improve your business

Doing business means coming face-to-face with risk. As your business grows within the market, it’s impossible to not be impacted by risk. Developing..

Impact of unpaid invoices and how to dramatically reduce them

Late and unpaid invoices can have a detrimental impact on your business if left unchecked. It affects your cash flow, reduces capacity for growth,..

How Working Capital Impacts Treasury

Treasury management is vital to promoting growth and financial health in your business. It ensures sufficient cash flow for business needs, and..

How Generative AI Can Take Finance and Accounting to a New Level

Unless you've been left isolated on a desert island purged of digital-enabling technology for the past six months, you've probably experienced the..

How can inventory management improve your business?

Why should your inventory management be more effective? According to a Zippia survey, 43% of small businesses don’t track their inventory. They're..

Successfully Digitize Your Business Payment Process

As the world becomes more digital, organizations must keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancement. Increasing digitization and..

What Can Canadian Accountants Learn from the Silicon Valley Bank Failure

The failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) triggered a global financial tsunami, stunning multiple industries and institutions and shaking the..