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How Generative AI Can Take Finance and Accounting to a New Level
Unless you've been left isolated on a desert island purged of digital-enabling technology for the past six months, you've probably experienced the..

What Can Canadian Accountants Learn from the Silicon Valley Bank Failure
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) triggered a global financial tsunami, stunning multiple industries and institutions and shaking the..

How Strategic Pricing Can Make Your Firm More Competitive and Profitable
An accounting firm's pricing strategy can be its most potent weapon to combat the disruptions and uncertainties of today's precarious business..

Liquidity Management for Success in Hyper-Fast Environments
In today's turbulent, disruptive times, businesses must stay financially agile. Effective liquidity management enables companies to make quick..

Spend Management: A Guide for Small and Mid-Size Businesses
Few activities in business have as much impact in reducing costs, eliminating waste, detecting fraud, and improving the bottom line than spend..

Proven strategies for optimizing your cash management
Optimizing cash management contributes to positive cash flow, effective working capital, and robust financial health. By optimizing their cash flow,..

How to Ignite Your Company’s Growth With Working Capital
All business owners face the epic challenge of growing their business while having enough cash to fund product development, expand sales and..

Why effective working capital management can improve your entire business
While there is no magic wand that will guarantee the financial success and stability of your business forever, effective working capital management..

Cash Flow Problems Solved
Managing cash flow is one of the most critical challenges facing small businesses today. Intuit's study, The State of Small Business Cash Flow,..

Proven Strategies to Help Your Accounting Firm Retain, Attract Clients
If you have any doubts about the importance of customer service and building solid client relations, consider the following statistic from a Harvard..